Thursday 9 August 2018

10 X formula - Key to take massive actions

10X Formula to multiply your effort and expect gain in every field the way you want.
 Big Ideas from The 10X Rule

1.Approach every situation with an in-it-to-win mindset: Tackle every project with the 10X Rule, acting like you have to succeed because your life depends on it. Take appropriate, consistent and persistent action, and over time, you must succeed.

2.Surround yourself with exceptional thinkers and doers: It’s been said that you are the sum total of the five people who are closest to you, so surround yourself with exceptional thinkers and doers who will motivate you to become a better version of yourself by putting in 10 times the effort. Sometime the results will be not be seen every through every single effort but sum of all eventually give better output than expected.
3.Murphy’s law is always rearing its ugly head: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. This aligns with what Cardone says, “People optimistically overestimate how well things will go and then underestimate how much energy and effort it will take just to push things through.” You will always face obstacles that you never dreamed of when working on achieving your goals, some may be so big that they stop you in your tracks.My personal experience while solving critical issues is never hesitate to go back to position where we have started. Align all energy & re-do planning is only key to success.

4.Go after your goals with the speed of a hare and the steadfastness of the turtle: In the fable, the Turtle and the Hare, the hare rushes, becomes tired, so decides to take a nap, while the turtle moves slowly, is persistent, winning the race because he doesn’t give up. But in the book, Grant Cardone recommends that you adopt traits from both the turtle and the hare to achieve success. You move 10 times faster while being consistent and persistent. No more turtle attitude. 

5.Learn to overcommit: This forces you to operate at the ten times level to deliver on your commitments because you will have to take massive action. When you overcommit, you will face unimaginable problems, but when you are persistent and consistent with your high level of action, you will deliver at levels that will amaze both you and your customers - derived from my won experience. 

6.Expand when the economy is contracting: When the economy is contracting, the knee jerk reaction is to cut costs and lay off workers, but many successful companies were started during a recession. My personal recommendation that the way out of a recession is to expand, push and take action, despite what others are saying and doing. The intent is to take whatever action is needed to dominate your sector.

7.Be proactive, take responsibility for your life: Everything that occurs in your life, good or bad, is your responsibility, even if outside forces are at play. If something negative happens to you, even if you did not have control over it, ask yourself, “If this situation arises again, what can I do to reduce its negative impact?” This new mindset puts you in the driver’s seat of your life, and you occupy a position of power.
8.Master yourself: Before you can dominate your sector, your goal, dream or ambition, you have to first dominate your every interest, thought, and consideration. You have to learn how to master yourself first.

Look forward for your views on 10X rule and comment below your goals and plan to achieve it in this year.